Braless babes were big in the ’80s. Actresses in movies and TV shows frequently went without a bra, rocking their natural look. This trend was eye-catching and controversial. Some saw it as style. Others saw rebellion. But why did so many 1980s actresses feel free to forego feminine foundations?
The reasons are layered. Fashion played a part. So did feminism. And the male gaze. But in the end, it came down to individual choices. Choices that revealed a cultural shift and raised big questions about women’s bodies, roles, and rights. So let’s dive in and examine how braless babes reshaped the ’80s screen – and society.
Why did 80s movies girls didn’t wear bras?
Style choice and fashion
One big reason women in 1980s movies often went braless was style choice. Many women liked the no-bra look as a fashion at that time. Not wearing a bra made clothes fit differently and gave more freedom of movement. Women enjoyed this fresh, unrestrained way of dressing.
Rejection of male control
Another major factor was rejecting male control. Some women decided to stop wearing bras as an act of feminism and independence from men. They felt bras were oppressive and imposed by men to control and sexualize women’s bodies. By going braless, women reclaimed their freedom and protested sexism.
Limited feminist influence in the 1960s
Though some feminists advocated bralessness in the 1960s, most women still wore bras at that time. But in the 1980s, more and more women went without a bra, though it was not universal. The braless style became increasingly common, but many women wore bras as usual.
Sexual objectification in media
Braless actresses in TV shows and movies were portrayed to make women appear attractive and sexy. However, this objectified and sexualized woman by reducing them to their body parts. The constant images of braless actresses likely normalized bralessness among the public.
Individual choice and “breast freedom”
Wearing or not wearing a bra depends on a woman’s personal preference. Some women questioned if bras were medically necessary. They argued there were no anatomical or physiological reasons why women must wear bras. This “breast freedom” movement supported women’s right to go braless if they chose to.
In summary, bralessness among women in 1980s media stemmed from fashion, feminism, and sexuality. The style reflected broader cultural shifts regarding women’s roles and the sexual objectification of females in media. However, individual women’s reasons for wearing or not wearing a bra were complex.

How did the trend of not wearing bras in movies and TV shows change over time?
The trend of women not wearing bras in movies and TV shows has changed over time in a few ways.
Braless in the 1960s: A Radical act
In the 1960s, some feminists went without bras as a protest. But most Western women still wore bras at this time. Going braless was seen as radical and not widely accepted. Only a few women embraced bralessness as a statement.
Bras off in the 1980s: A common choice
In the 1980s, it became common for women in movies and TV not to wear bras. Though sometimes done to appear sexy, bralessness grew more accepted. This suggested a shift in attitudes towards women being braless.
Bras optional: A personal choice
Wearing or not wearing a bra is ultimately a personal choice. Over time, more women have questioned the reasons for wearing bras. Some advocate for “breast freedom”. They recognize that many women wear bras for psychological or practical reasons, not medical ones.
Braless as fashion: A celebrity trend
In recent years, celebrities have been going braless as a fashion statement. They wear sheer, plunging, or cropped tops without bras. This shows bralessness has become an accepted fashion trend.
Free The Nipple: A feminist movement
The “Free the Nipple” movement started around 2014 to protest censorship of women’s bodies. It promotes women’s bodily autonomy and freedom of dress. This suggests bralessness is now seen more as a feminist issue.
Going braless: An evolving attitude
Overall, bralessness has become more accepted and normalized over time. Though it began as a radical feminist act, it is now a mainstream fashion choice or political statement. The social stigma around women going braless has lessened significantly. But for many women, wearing or not wearing a bra still comes down to personal preference.
What did girls do before bras?
In ancient Greece and Rome, women wrapped cloth bands around their chests to flatten and bind their breasts. This was the most common method of breast support for centuries.
In the 1500s, corsets became popular among middle and upper-class women in Europe. Corsets pushed up and shaped the breasts but were incredibly uncomfortable.
In 1869, Herminie Cadolle created the first precursor to today’s bras by splitting a corset in two: support for the breasts and another for the waist.
In the early 1900s, bust bodices – which were lighter versions of corsets – provided some breast support while being less restrictive.
In 1914, Caresse Crosby patented the first modern bra made from two handkerchiefs and a ribbon.
During World War I, women stopped wearing corsets to conserve metal for the war effort. This opened the door for bras to become mainstream.
Early bras were one-size-fits-all. The multiple cup and band sizing system was introduced in the 1920s and 1930s, credited to Maidenform founders William and Ida Rosenthal.
Today, nearly all women in Western countries wear bras, though options for going braless have increased in recent decades.
Before modern bras, women relied on binding, corsets, camisoles, and bodices of varying comfort levels. The development of the first bras in the late 19th and early 20th centuries transformed breast support, leading to near-universal adoption.

Bralessness in the ’80s was influenced by fashion, feminism, and the rejection of male control. It represented a cultural shift and raised questions about women’s bodies. The trend has changed from a radical act in the ’60s to a common choice in the ’80s.
Today, bralessness is a personal and fashion statement. Before bras, women used cloth bands, corsets, bust bodices, and early versions of bras. The invention of modern bras transformed breast support.
Was going braless popular in the 90s?
Going braless became popular again in the 1990s, spurred by supermodel Kate Moss’ waif-ish figure. A quick search of the 90s ‘braless fashion trends’ will always lead to Kate Moss’ iconic sheer slip dress moment. As Friends quickly became the most popular sitcom during the ’90s, the braless trend also transcended television.
What did bras look like in the 50s?
Bras in the 1950s were made using cotton, rayon, or nylon and ranged in price depending on the design and fabric used. The era was known for the iconic “bullet bra” or “sweater bra,” which were considered flattering and sexy and designed to create a pointed shape under clothing.
What is the oldest known bra?
The oldest known bra is believed to be the Lengberg bra, which was discovered in 2008 at Lengberg Castle in Austria. It dates back to the late 15th century and is made of linen and lace. The bra is made up of two cups that are held together by shoulder straps and a band around the back. It is thought to have been worn by a young woman between the ages of 15 and 20.