Have you ever wondered why news anchors always seem to wear solid-colored clothing? From the bright, bold colors of morning news shows to the more subdued hues of evening broadcasts, there’s a method to the color choices of these journalists. While it may seem like a small detail, the clothing worn by news anchors plays an important role in shaping how viewers perceive and engage with the news.
In this article, I’ll explore the reasons behind this sartorial choice. From conveying a sense of professionalism and objectivity to matching the wardrobe of other public figures, news anchors choose their outfits with intention. We’ll delve into the history of this industry standard and why it has remained in place for decades.
But it’s not just about tradition and standard practice. There are practical reasons for the use of solid, neutral colors as well. News broadcasts are complex productions, with graphics, video clips, and other visual elements vying for the viewer’s attention. The anchor’s clothing must not compete with these elements but rather complement them.
Additionally, solid colors help the audience stay focused on the content being presented rather than being distracted by the anchor’s attire.
So, whether you’re a news junkie or just someone who’s always wondered why news anchors dress the way they do, read on to discover the many reasons behind this fascinating aspect of television journalism.
Why do news anchors wear solid colors?
Here are the reasons why news anchors typically wear solid, neutral colors:
To appear objective and focused on the news
News anchors wear solid, neutral colors to appear objective and focused on the news. Bright colors or busy patterns could distract viewers and make the anchor seem less serious.
Solid, neutral colors convey a sober, impartial tone, which is important for news anchors who are expected to present information unbiasedly and professionally. By wearing solid colors, anchors can avoid drawing attention to themselves and instead direct viewers’ focus toward the news they are presenting.
The anchor’s clothing should not compete with or clash with graphics or the set, which can also cause distractions for viewers. The goal is to present news in the clearest and most effective manner possible, and solid colors help achieve this goal.
To complement the overall look and branding of the news broadcast
Another reason news anchors wear solid colors is to complement the overall look and branding of the news broadcast. News broadcasts incorporate a lot of visuals, such as graphics and sets, and the anchor’s outfit needs to complement them. Busy patterns or bright colors can clash with these visuals and make the broadcast look unprofessional.
Solid, neutral colors are simpler and more flexible, making matching the graphics and set designs easier. By wearing a solid color, the anchor’s outfit blends in seamlessly with the overall look of the news program. This helps create a cohesive and professional visual experience for the viewer without any distractions or clashes.
To prevent distraction from the content and help the audience focus on the news
News anchors wear solid colors to prevent the audience from getting distracted by their attire and help them focus on the news content. Busy patterns or bright colors may grab the viewers’ attention away from the news, which can be detrimental to the broadcast’s effectiveness.
Solid, muted colors are less visually jarring and help the anchor blend in with the background, so the focus remains on the news reports and stories. Since the primary goal of a news broadcast is to deliver information and educate the public, anchors must not let their clothing become a distraction.
By wearing solid colors, they can eliminate one potential source of distraction and keep the focus on the news.
To convey confidence and competence
News anchors wear solid colors to convey a sense of professionalism, confidence, and competence. Wearing traditional, buttoned-up clothing in gray, navy, black, or red is typically seen as professional and polished.
Viewers expect anchors to appear credible and in command of the news. Solid colors provide a classic, timeless look that exudes a sense of authority and professionalism.
Viewers are more likely to trust an anchor who appears confident, and solid colors can help achieve this. By projecting a strong, trustworthy image, news anchors can enhance their credibility and connect with their audience more effectively.
To match the typical wardrobe of politicians, executives, and other public figures
News anchors wear solid colors to match the typical wardrobe of politicians, executives, and other public figures. These individuals typically dress formally and conservatively, and news anchors aim to fit in with this aesthetic.
By wearing solid, neutral colors, they create a sense of professionalism and credibility that viewers expect from news anchors. Additionally, dressing in a similar style to other public figures can help news anchors align themselves with the overall culture and image of leadership.
The use of solid colors is also practical, as it ensures the anchor’s attire does not clash or detract from the overall look and branding of the news broadcast.

To follow standard industry practice and protocol
The practice of news anchors wearing solid colors is a standard industry practice and protocol that has been in place for decades. TV networks have an unofficial dress code for their journalists, and neutral, single-colored clothing has been the norm for many years.
By adhering to this dress code, news anchors ensure that they fit in with their industry’s overall culture and aesthetic. Additionally, this protocol helps the networks maintain a professional image and consistency in their programming. Following industry standards also makes it easier for news anchors to transition from one network to another, as the dress codes are typically similar.
Therefore, news anchors wear solid colors to adhere to their profession’s established practices and guidelines.
What are the guidelines for dressing as a news anchor?
As a news anchor, dressing professionally is not just about looking good but also conveying a sense of credibility and trustworthiness to viewers. While dress codes may vary depending on the station or network, there are some general guidelines that all news anchors should follow.
First and foremost, modesty and professionalism should be at the forefront of your clothing choices. Conservative attire works well in most cultural climates, but it still needs to look professional. Avoid revealing or provocative clothing that may be distracting to viewers.
Solid colors are preferred over patterns because they can be distracting for viewers and may appear to move on their own on camera. High contrast color schemes are also recommended when dressing for the camera, and dark colors like navy and black work well on camera.
While sleeveless outfits may be allowed in some stations, it depends on the station’s dressing code and the newsroom’s climate. National news anchors have the freedom to wear their own clothes as long as they follow the general guidelines about the choice of color and style.
There is no universal dress code for news anchors, as each station or network may have its own guidelines. However, news anchors are generally expected to dress professionally and modestly to maintain a professional appearance on air. By following these guidelines, news anchors can present themselves in a professional and trustworthy manner, helping to build a loyal viewership.
What is the reasoning behind news anchors wearing dark colors?
The reasoning behind news anchors wearing dark colors is that solid colors are a safer choice for a news anchor when dressed for the camera. Busy patterns can create an image distracting for the viewer as they tend to appear to move on their own on clothing. Solid colors are a much safer choice when dressing as a news anchor.
What colors are recommended for news anchors?
News anchors should wear solid colors, especially dark colors like navy and black, when dressing for the camera. High-contrast color schemes are also recommended to make the anchor stand out on the screen. Bright colors like pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, and green are not recommended because they tend to have a bleeding effect that will color the skin tone close to what the anchor is wearing.
Blue is a popular color for news sets because it can be urgent and laid-back on air. While news anchors have no specific color code, they are expected to dress professionally and maintain a neat appearance on air.
What colors should news anchors avoid wearing?
News anchors should avoid wearing bright colors like pink, red, orange, yellow, purple, and green because they tend to have a bleeding effect that will color the skin tone close to what the anchor is wearing. Busy patterns should also be avoided because they can be distracting for viewers and may appear to move on their own on camera.
How do news anchors pick out what they’re wearing for that day?
News anchors usually have makeup artists and apparel specialists to help them choose what they wear for that day. National news anchors are free to wear their clothes if they follow the general guidelines about the choice of color and style. Local news anchors are free to buy their own clothes but must follow general guidelines.
Why do female newscasters dress so inappropriately these days?
There have been instances where women reporters and anchors were told how to dress by male news executives to make them appear alluring. However, this practice is no longer acceptable in the industry. Some studies have shown that the sexier the female anchor, the less men retain what she says. Generally, both male and female news anchors are expected to dress modestly and professionally on air.